Parenting with ABA

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Executive Functioning in Kids: How It Shapes Learning and Behavior

Executive functioning is the brain’s management system, responsible for planning, focus, and self-regulation. When children struggle with EF, they may have trouble following instructions, transitioning between tasks, or managing emotions. This post explores the signs of executive functioning challenges in children and why early recognition is key to setting them up for long-term success.


Spare the rod, and the child!

*This post does not promote the use of punishment. Use of reinforcement procedures must always be used prior to incorporating any punishment-based strategies. There must always be a parallel component of positive reinforcement when using punishment-based strategy. * The following episode is from a Kindergarten classroom. The teacher walks into the class, announcing that …

Spare the rod, and the child! Read More »

Life Skills in Preschoolers- Is there such a thing?

For most of us, play is the most interesting and essential part of a child’s life. It’s so fulfilling to watch your child engaged in weaving stories or building a house. But today we take up the less interesting but more important part- the tantrums! Most parents of young children aged 2-6 complain about …

Life Skills in Preschoolers- Is there such a thing? Read More »

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