Parenting with ABA

Life Skills in Preschoolers- Is there such a thing?

For most of us, play is the most interesting and essential part of a child’s life. It’s so fulfilling to watch your child engaged in weaving stories or building a house. But today we take up the less interesting but more important part- the tantrums! Most parents of young children aged 2-6 complain about …

Life Skills in Preschoolers- Is there such a thing? Read More »

knowledge, book, library

ABA- Etymology and Contemporary issues

If you are a parent of a child with Autism, you have heard about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) at some point- either while researching on the internet or from a medical professional. So, today, let’s share the etymology and contemporary issues of ABA.   Behavior Analysis has seen an exponential growth in the past three …

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